Select Publications Publications:
Hageter J*, Starkey J*, Horstick EJ. 2023. Thalamic regulation of a visual critical period and motor behavior. Cell Reports. March 22, 2023. *contributed equally. Starkey J, Horstick EJ. Fish hacks: Hybridizing stand-alone zebrafish system plumbing and pumps to extend and improve function. 2023. Zebrafish. June;20(3):122-125. Matalkah F, Jeong B, Sheridan M, Horstick E, Ramamurthy V and Stoilov P. 2022. The Musashi proteins are post-transcriptional activators of protein expression and alternative exon splicing in mature photoreceptors. Commun Biol. 5, 1011. Hageter J, Waalkes M, Starkey J, Copeland H, Price H, Bays L, Showman C, Laverty S, Bergeron SA, Horstick EJ. 2021.Environmental and molecular modulation of motor individuality in larval zebrafish. Front Behav Neurosci. 06 Dec. Horstick EJ*, Bayleyen Y, Burgess HA. 2020. Molecular and cellular determinants of motor asymmetry in zebrafish. Nat Commun. Mar 3;11(1):1170. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14965-y. PMID: 32127541; PMCID: PMC7054361. Horstick EJ*, Bayleyen Y, Sinclair J, Burgess HA. 2017. Search strategy is regulated by somatostatin signaling and deep brain photoreceptors in zebrafish. BMC Biol. Jan 26;15(1):4. *co-corresponding Horstick EJ*, Jordan D*, Bergeron SA, Tabor K, Serpe M, Feldman B, Burgess HA. 2015. Increased functional protein expression using nucleotide sequence features enriched in highly expressed genes in zebrafish. Nucleic Acid Res. Jan 27. *contributed equally Full list can be found at: |